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Mention Him

Updated: Jul 1

We are often challenged to talk about God, but when reading my devotions one day, this verse stood out to me.

Praising God and calling upon Him can be done in the privacy of your own home, and while declaring his works among the people requires at least one other person to qualify, it was the end of the verse that snagged my attention.

"Make mention that his name is exalted."

We might tell people about the wonderful things God has done for us. We certainly ought to be talking to a lost world about the cross, but do we mention God is exalted?

What does exalted mean anyway?

According to my trusty Strong's exhaustive concordance (and if you've ever held one in your hands, you'll know why it's called exhaustive!), exalted means to be lifted up, inaccessible, and by implication safe and strong. Plus a few other things, but oh, do I love the meaning safe and strong!

Safe and strong provokes the image of God as our high tower. The One we can run to and be safe there because no one can reach us up with our exalted God. We wouldn't even be able to be there except God in His mercy reached down and provided a way. How great is our God!

There is no one on earth like our God and never can be.

And we are supposed to make mention of that, let the world know how high, how exalted is the Name of our God.

We tend to focus on the works of God. On His love and sacrifices for us (which is important). But...

How often do we tell the world how holy and lifted up our God is?

Do we remind them that they must turn from their wicked ways because God is holy? That God's perfection is why we can trust Him. God will never lie, abandon, or trick us. He is always fair and safe.

Which brings us to 'mention.' What does mention mean? Did you picture an offhanded comment? Something that just naturally slipped into your conversation? (My hand is raised here.)

Technically, that's not the Hebrew definition of the word used in Isaiah 12. It's supposed to be a deliberate act, 'to mark' Strong's says. Isaiah is exhorting us to intentionally talk about God.

However, when I read this verse God pulled mention out for a different reason. God nudged me about the English implication of something done without much thought. You see, mentioning God is always deliberate for me.

God doesn't automatically show up in my conversations, and He really should.

I always think carefully before I talk about God, and that's not necessarily a good thing. It's great to consider your words, but it's not great if you miss opportunities because you stay silent when you should have spoken.

If you ponder your words too long, the opportunity passes.

This verse challenged me to make sure I am talking about God in such a way that He naturally makes His way into my conversations. In both casual AND deliberate ways.

Do you mark God as exalted in your conversations?


Image by josephmonter and altered with text by Dienece Darling

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